I can see what you tried to do there, but... Meh... Stuff like the trasition to piano at 1:35 was really awkward and it didn't fit at all, and the piano sound itself wasn't that good, too gritty, sharp and reverb-less - FL can do much better.
I have to say, at about 3:00 the whole thing got pretty boring on my ears - you should have tried to change up the chord progression. I mean, like the piano part should have been in the Aeolian 6th, Phrygian 3rd or even in the Locrian 7th if you're willing to venture those "shady" modes. It would have given - to me, at least - something intersting to listen to besides the sounds.
The sound itself was great (besides the piano sound), the effects were well used. Should have done some EQing on the precussion, but that's just me being prefectionist as usual :P
Overall, it's a nice track, mostly sound-wise, kind of lacking on the compositional side. If you ever Redo this, I'd recommend starting it exactly the same, changing the piano part, adding a "solo" thing after that and only then return to the main theme. Then it would deserve a round 10.