liked it, the graphices could have been smotther, but WTH its a good game! voted 5.
liked it, the graphices could have been smotther, but WTH its a good game! voted 5.
hell lot of thenks to you.
I personaly dont like driving games but this one kicked ass, could have a better racing background.
and VERY chellenging. hope to see a more detailed sequel.
really good man!
nothing bad besides powerups or secret weapon, things like that... oh and a "healt pack" & "repair pack"...
nice, but...
repetative and boring after a while... still gave u 5 hope u pass the jugment... and put some more things in it cuz its not intresting for 30 secs and then its becomeing boring....
Well thanks I guess. Atleast you got a protect point. XD
Emos are the worst... But there is a way to turn them back from "the dark side"... just send to them a HOT chick and tell her to make out with them. always works. aowsome game btw.
helped me out alot
but i cant draw a damn stick body...
most of the NG parodise suck ass but u rock dude!!! could have done a better job on the blam protect stuff...
kinda neat
but not new or very creative. how did u did the mouse trailing?
Create a movieclip with the instance name "orig" and put this code in:
onClipEvent (load) {
i = 0;
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("MC"+i, i+10);
_root["MC"+i]._x = _root._xmouse;
_root["MC"+i]._y = _root._ymouse;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {;
if (_name == "orig") {
this._visible = 0;
} else {
_alpha -= 2;
_xscale -= 2;
_yscale -= 2;
if (_alpha<=2) {
'Ello! I'm TheCoreMan. I'm the messenger of Pineapples upon earth. I can't begin to tell you how awesome Pineapples are, even not with the 71 characters I have remaining to this blurb. Check out my music. You've come all the way to my page, so come on.
Age 34, Male
Joined on 1/17/06